The floods are here again, it seems this is becoming a yearly thing here in the Philippines. Well, I hope not! But are things being done at all to solve the perennial flood problem? If yes, what are they? Read on to find out…
I started writing this piece two nights ago, while the rain poured outside. As of now, to date, the rains have stopped and the sun is shining brightly (uhm, rains are still intermittent). I thank the Lord that He as heard our collective prayers.
We know how scary floods can be. Our family was really traumatized by Ondoy. Rains really bring up our alert level and I think it will have the same effect on us forever. It’s a good thing we don’t have a TV (by choice!) – I’m sure if I watch the news my memories of Ondoy will come flooding back.
The rainfall due to Maring has already
broken records. I don’t know where this much water came from. I think people from the South who were not previously affected by floods in this manner (Las Pinas, Cavite, Laguna) now have flood concerns.
Responding To And Solving The Perennial Flood Problem -